full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Nate Silver: Does racism affect how you vote?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So, when we think about parts of the country like Arkansas, you know. There is a book written called, "What's the Matter with ksanas?" But really the question here — Obama did relatively well in Kansas. He lost badly but every Democrat does. He lost no worse than most polpee do. But yeah, what's the matter with Arkansas? (leaughtr) And when we think of Arkansas we tend to have pretty negative connotations. We think of a bunch of rednecks, quote, utoqnue, with guns. And we think people like this probably don't want to vote for people who look like this and are nemad bracak Obama. We think it's a matter of race. And is this fair? Are we kind of stigmatizing people from Arkansas, and this part of the country?

Open Cloze

So, when we think about parts of the country like Arkansas, you know. There is a book written called, "What's the Matter with ______?" But really the question here — Obama did relatively well in Kansas. He lost badly but every Democrat does. He lost no worse than most ______ do. But yeah, what's the matter with Arkansas? (________) And when we think of Arkansas we tend to have pretty negative connotations. We think of a bunch of rednecks, quote, _______, with guns. And we think people like this probably don't want to vote for people who look like this and are _____ ______ Obama. We think it's a matter of race. And is this fair? Are we kind of stigmatizing people from Arkansas, and this part of the country?


  1. people
  2. barack
  3. unquote
  4. laughter
  5. named
  6. kansas

Original Text

So, when we think about parts of the country like Arkansas, you know. There is a book written called, "What's the Matter with Kansas?" But really the question here — Obama did relatively well in Kansas. He lost badly but every Democrat does. He lost no worse than most people do. But yeah, what's the matter with Arkansas? (Laughter) And when we think of Arkansas we tend to have pretty negative connotations. We think of a bunch of rednecks, quote, unquote, with guns. And we think people like this probably don't want to vote for people who look like this and are named Barack Obama. We think it's a matter of race. And is this fair? Are we kind of stigmatizing people from Arkansas, and this part of the country?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
barack obama 5
bill clinton 3
big differences 2
white voters 2
interesting questions 2
black neighbors 2
big difference 2

Important Words

  1. arkansas
  2. badly
  3. barack
  4. book
  5. bunch
  6. called
  7. connotations
  8. country
  9. democrat
  10. fair
  11. guns
  12. kansas
  13. kind
  14. laughter
  15. lost
  16. matter
  17. named
  18. negative
  19. obama
  20. part
  21. parts
  22. people
  23. pretty
  24. question
  25. quote
  26. race
  27. rednecks
  28. stigmatizing
  29. tend
  30. unquote
  31. vote
  32. worse
  33. written
  34. yeah